Central Yoga School Membership Terms & Conditions

Minimum term:
membership can be cancelled at any time.

First payment:
will be deducted on the second Monday after sign up - a $2.21 fee will apply to your first payment.

Ongoing payments:
will be deducted via your chosen bank account or credit card every Monday fortnight and a pass will be assigned to your Central Yoga School (Punchpass) account. Bronze members will be assigned a 2 class pass every fortnight, Silver members will be assigned a 4 class pass, Gold members a 6 class pass, and Platinum members will receive an unlimited pass.

A $1.11 loading fee will apply to each debit if funds are taken from your bank account. A $0.26 + 1.43% loading fee will apply to each debit if you are paying via Visa or Mastercard. A $0.33 + 3.6% loading fee will apply to each debit if you are paying via American Express.

Making Up Missed Classes:
If you miss a class (or classes) you will have the opportunity to 'make up' that missed class (or classes) at any time for the length of your membership. For example, if you are on Bronze Membership and miss attending one week you will be able to use that class to attend a second class in a future week.

Suspending Your Membership:
You may suspend your membership if you are going on holiday, travelling for business, or unable to attend due to serious illness or injury if prior notice is given.

Extra classes:
You can attend extra classes on top of the membership option chosen at the same per class rate of the membership option chosen. If you have chosen the Bronze membership option a second class may be attended during that week at $14 (online) or $18 (in-person). If you have chosen the Silver membership option a third class may be attended at $13 (online) or $17 (in-person), etc.

Ending Your Membership:
You can end your membership at any time, however a 5 class pass or higher must be purchased in order to use any unused classes from your membership arrangement.

Failed Payments:
A $9.80 fee will apply to all failed payments.